Sunday, 21 March 2010

The Staffordshire Quest

Most of you will by now be aware that George has organised the Staffordshire Quest with the intention of getting us all off our backsides and riding around the Staffordshire countryside on our BSAs.  All the documents you will need are now available for download here. There are two word documents and five maps for download so, after following the link, you will have to click the download button for each item.  Here is George's introduction to the Quest:

The Staffordshire Quest has been devised as a summer Rally / Treasure Hunt to encourage BSA owners to get on their machines and explore parts of our county which they may not normally visit.
A map of the county is divided into numbered areas and clues are given to enable targets within the areas to be identified by using a little native wit and cunning to solve the clues and a reasonable map to locate the targets (in this regard it is likely that your Staffordshire County Council Education Dept. Advanced Junior Schools Atlas of The World – British Empire shown in pink- 1946 will prove to be inadequate).
To give a little competitive edge to the Quest it proposed that points are gathered for each target attained; Two points when riding a BSA: One point on any other machine. Proof of reaching the target should be a photograph of the bike at the target or in close proximity to it. As this is intended to be an enjoyable experience and it is not necessary to go to extraordinary extremes to get the bike close to the target to get it in shot, evidence of close proximity (noticeboard, village signpost etc.) would be acceptable.
A pillion or sidecar passenger may participate in the rally on their own behalf and to qualify they should appear on the photograph alongside the machine.
It is proposed that some kind of award would be made to everyone who participates in the Quest, a certificate, Lapel Badge or similar. However since the event must be self funding the type of award would be dependent upon the funds raised. Preliminary costing indicates that a total of around £200 would be necessary to provide an enamel lapel badge for each entrant, ie. 40 entrants at £5.00 each.
  • 1-20 targets attained Bronze Award
  • 20-49 targets attained Silver Award
  • 50 targets achieved Gold Award
  • Highest total points Special Award ( If tied then the overall winner will be by adjudication)
The Quest clues and map location grid can be obtained on-line from the Branch blogspot
The event will be open until 31st October 2010 by which time submissions must be delivered to the organiser. The submissions should include;
  • Clear identification of the Targets claimed by providing the clue solution:
  • Photographic evidence of the visit:
  • Administration fee of £5.00 payable to BSA Owners Club North Staffs. Branch (provisional)
The aim of the Quest is to encourage us all to get out and about on our bikes rather than to stay at home beating our brains out over obtuse clues. Anyone needing clarification or further guidance can always contact George on 01785 618799.

1 comment:

Bodger said...

That sounds like a load of fun Hazel, would love to take part in something like that.