Friday, 28 August 2009


Why have a blog for the club?

Members will have noticed that the newsletters have been less regular of late and I have been finding it difficult to find the time (and content) for the newsletter and feeling stressed that I'm not doing better.  Today, I had a brainwave (by my standards, anyway) and it occurred to me that a blog would make it easier to add information and reports as and when I receive them or think of them.  I was quite excited by my mini-brainwave and set up the blog as soon as I got home from work. 

I still want contributions from other members - they will be included and attributed to the contributer as and when they are received.  This will be especially useful for up to date information on events and rides etc. 

Readers can comment on postings too (that should be fun!)  Feedback and suggestions are always welcome..................

(note: to make a comment, click on the "- comments" in italics beneath each posting)

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